Monday, March 21, 2016

Surgery Follow Up Visit

Mom and I took the day off and accompanied Lydia to 3 follow up visits after surgery and discharge.  We stopped into the ultra crowded waiting room in the Radiology clinic for a chest x-ray.  Woke Lydia up, took a few pictures and off we went to the Cardiology Clinic.  We spent almost 2 hours there since Mondays are apparently busy echo days.  The nurse practitioner said her incision is healing nicely and the x-ray and echo looked good.  She then said that we could leave because the Cardiologist, I don't even know who was in clinic today, was just getting around to looking at Lydia's images.  She'll call if anything was not good.  Most days I wouldn't stand for that and I'd want all the details, but we'll be seeing Dr. Shah on April 6th and he'll give me all the details then. Plus, we had an appointment in 45 minutes and were starving.  We had lunch in the CMH cafeteria, which really isn't as bad as Dan and my Dad say it is.  We finished up in the Special Care - Home Vent clinic where Lydia steals the show and gets all the loving.  We scored a free book in the waiting room.  We were only going to get a flimsy little picture book, but after I told the lady I was a librarian she let me pick out a board book.  We got Olivia.  Lydia played with Danielle, Addie, Joan and Dr. Lachica.  Lydia is just under 26 inches, putting her in the 3rd percentile for height.  Lydia is 15 pounds 15 ounces, putting her in the 12th percentile for weight.  Yay!  Below are some pictures from Cardiology and Special Care clinics, Mom's hammin' for the cam, Lydia could care less.  

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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

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