Saturday, March 5, 2016

Same Day Different Room

Last time we had an extended stay in the PICU we were in about 8 different rooms and moved about 16 times.  So far this stay two rooms, two moves.  We're in a shared room which isn't as bad as it sounds as long as you're with another tiny baby and you get the side with the windows.  
Lydia has continued her fits of rage all day long.  Sometimes it just takes the right group of people to figure out something that works.  Lydia's nurse, a nearby nurse, and Lydia's nurse in the new room all were chatting and we figured out that Albuterol and bag suctioning might help her clear out her lungs.  She's retaining a lot of fluid so she's back on lasix.  She's getting upset with every diaper change and can't catch her breath.  She hasn't rested peacefully all day.  

After the first round of Albuterol, which is basically an inhaler but she gets it as a breathing treatment through her trach mask, and bag suctioning, which is an ambu bag with high flow oxygen giving her deep breaths before suctioning, Lydia is finally resting and really restful.  She's been thrashing about all day until now.  She even opened her eyes and looked around for a few minutes.  Also, she's grabbing her lovely a little and playing with the string on her trach mask...two normal Lydia behaviors that I'm very encouraged by.  

All right, I'm signing off and if nothing eventful happens for the rest of the day, I'll update you fine readers and friends tomorrow.  

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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...