Saturday, March 5, 2016

Recovery Day 2

Ah, Miss Lydia is being a little stinker.  Doctors and nurses yesterday were pretty sure she'd go to the floor today.  In true Lydia fashion, she doesn't want to leave the PICU.  I think she likes the undivided attention they give her.  The 4th floor is different and not nearly as attention getting, and if you do something to get too much attention you go right back to the PICU.  She's got this game figured out.

Heart is good.
Stats are good.
Temperature is good.
Tolerating her feeds.
Off the vent, on blow by oxygen. 

Cranky, mad, angry, anxious episodes that last for 45 minutes...yeah, that's her ticket to stay in the PICU.  The doctors expect Lydia to start acting like herself again, wanting to play and smile, though maybe not for long periods.  Lydia is just laying around like a lazy lady, not wanting to do much of anything.  Then, she has these fits of rage every few hours.  This morning it took her nurse and I about 45 minutes to calm her down and get her to relax.  We did two diaper changes, 4 rounds of suctioning her trach, a dose of Oxy, a dose of Morphine, I held her for a bit, we let her thrash around the bed for a bit, finally got her settled on her side with a bed roll to stop her from rolling around and the glow worm is playing on repeat.  

Dr. Ortmann is on this weekend and she's assured us Lydia is not moving on up today.  She's staying in the PICU for observation.  I was hoping for Dr. Ortmann or Dr. Tieves.  They're both a little cautious, but also they give kids an opportunity to prove themselves.  Needless to say, Dan and I are both relieved to be staying here for at least another day.


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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...