Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Recovery Day 5

Lydia is kicking pneumonia's butt!  Thank you for all the positive thoughts and prayers!

She's currently laying down, chewing on her fingers, playing peek-a-boo with her blanket and making sucking noises.  She's already pulled off her socks numerous times today, had her hair washed, and flashed many smiles.  She feels so much better!

She hasn't had much morphine or oxycodone in the last 24 hours, just Toradol and antibiotics.  They are ready to switch her meds to oral so she can receive them through her g-tube instead of her central line.  They really want to get her central line out but she's a tough poke and vascular can't get a midline or a peripheral line in.  We may have to get a picc line before all is said and done.  The 4th floor wants access and flips out if they don't have it, even if we never ever use it.  Picc lines are about the only sure bet with Lydia, she loses all the others fast.

We're going to start bolus feeds again soon, she's been on continuous.  Lydia has been getting her formula through her g-tube at a rate of 25 ml per hour.  That's about 1.6 tablespoons an hour!  When we switch back to bolus and work our way back to her normal amounts she'll be getting 143 ml every 4 hours for a total of 858 ml a day.  Mastering that is one step closer to the 4th floor.

The last thing keeping us in the PICU is the vent.  Lydia just came off the vent for her first trial run.  We're leaving her off for an hour to see how she does.  So far her respiratory rate is 58, but she's playing so it's higher and her oxygen saturation is 99.  That's great!  Once she can tolerate being off the vent for 24 hours we can go to the 4th floor and then get out of here!



  1. I have waited to see this kind of a post today...that one with her smile.... be still my <3!!! Way to go rock star Lydia!!!

  2. So great to see her smiling again. And to read that things are improving. Go Lydia!

    Lots of healing vibes from the Voell family to her and calm, strong thoughts and prayers to her parents.


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...