Friday, March 4, 2016

Recovery Day 1

**There are pictures of Lydia from yesterday and today at the end of this post.  She is hooked up to a lot of things in them and some people may not be comfortable seeing them.  She's sedated in the first one and just tuckered out in the second one.  Just wanted you to know at the top before scrolling down.**

Dan and I finally got to see Lydia around 3:30 yesterday and spent the late afternoon and early evening with her.  Without going into all the details of what was what, I'll just tell you that she had a central line in her collar bone area, an arterial line in one hand, a line in the other hand and both feet, she was intubated, had a drainage tube, stickers/leads totally about 6, pacemaker wires, a catheter, blood pressure cuff and pulse ox probe.  She was hooked up to 12 various drugs, drips and IVs.  Lydia just barely opened her eyes a couple of times for us.  When we first walked in her room she was getting her diaper changed and when she heard our voices her feet shot up in the air!  Happy to know she knew it was mom and dad!

When Dan and I left for food and sleep last night they were preparing to put her trach back in and hook her up to the vent for the night that way.  Her stoma had been open with no trach for about 12 hours.  By the way, since she has the world's best cheeks and a fat rub under her chin, they didn't even cover the stoma.  Her chin and cheeks created a natural seal.  Ha!  The 3.0 size trach did not go in last night so they put the 2.5 size in instead.  Well, Lydia had a rough night.  Not because of her heart or too much pain, but because of her trach, we think.  ENT came to get the 3.0 back in this afternoon and she was a whole new baby!  

As I mentioned above, Lydia had a rough night of not much sleep, obviously some pain, and she was going on 24 plus hours of no food in her tummy.  When Dan and I came this morning she was pretty cranky and grumpy until her larger trach was put in.  Before the larger trach, Lydia had some Oxy and took a 2 hour nap.    After some cranky behavior, a scope through her nose, and a trach change, Lydia nodded off for a good two and a half hour nap.  She also had some formula during her nap, which typically helps her snooze.  

So, it was good to leave a happier baby this evening.  When we left tonight Lydia only had the central line in her collar bone area, a drainage tube, 4 leads, a blood pressure cuff and pulse ox probe.  Yep, she dropped all the other lines and meds in less than 36 hours.  Rockstar!  The PICU doctors are planning to send her to the floor tomorrow and possibly remove the drainage tube.  She continue to take meds for the pain as necessary.  Lydia has tolerated her feeds this evening and is sleeping soundly now.     


  1. Rockstar Lydia! I bet she was pleased to get some food in her tummy. I hope all three of you get some very much needed rest tonight.

  2. She is so sweet and so TOUGH!! Love that little lady!


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...