Friday, March 11, 2016

Recovery Day 8

Finally, after a couple days wait, we're out of the PICU and on the 4th floor.  The hospital is so full!  Darn flu bugs and RSV.

Wait?  What am I saying?  We can't stand the 4th floor.  

The PICU is lovely, secure, well staffed, organized, controlled chaos probably.  Great attentive nurses and you can find a doctor whenever you want.  Lydia's favorite place to be a diva.  

The 4th floor is just chaos.  There is about 1 nurse for every 27 patients and no supplies when you need 'em and stuff is just strewn all over the room.  Okay, that's an exaggeration.  The people are nice, the rooms are clean, the supplies are there, but try finding someone when you need them.  When they round, all 10 of 'em come barging into the room, flip on the lights and stir shit up.  They need to shadow rounds in the PICU where the mass of people in scrubs stay in the hallway, discuss the case, and come assess the patient calmly, quietly and one-by-one.  

Okay, thanks for listening to my rant.  I'm just happy we are making progress.  Also we have two of my favorite things about the 4th floor...a bathroom in our room and a big window overlooking the rooftop pigeon nests.  It's the little things.

It's the little things because tomorrow it's the big things.  Lydia is getting 5 vaccines and Synagis, the RSV booster shot.  Eek!  Please, no one tell her that's what she has to look forward to.


  1. Lol the's to it being a short trip upstairs. Good luck tomorrow!

  2. Lydia will probably look at the nurse giving the shots and think that is going to phase me??? well you obviously don't know how tough I am. Hoping she gets to come home real soon!!

  3. Shots are just a walk in the park for Lydia she is so strong! Prayers for Lydia busting out soon!


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...