Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Double Ear Infection - What the What?

Lydia was a bear to wake up yesterday and cried, complaining that her ears hurt.  She told me she needed to go to the doctor.  Specifically she told me she did want to go to the Hy-Vee Doctor (St. Luke's Urgent Care) but Dr. Davis, our pediatrician.  Considering Lydia's medical history, I took her word for it this time and we went to the walk-in morning clinic.

She called it.  Double ear infection.  She's taking an antibiotic and we can use our steroid drops if things get worse.  We went to Target to pick up a Frozen Imagine Ink while we waited on the prescription to be filled.  Got the prescription and headed home where I thought we would watch movies and take a nap.  

I think she played me like a fiddle.  Yes, she has a confirmed double ear infection.   BUT, happy mood, no nap, full appetite, no lethargy.  Lydia could have gone to school.  So we enjoyed the weather and played outside and in the playhouse during the afternoon.  Back to preschool today.

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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

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