Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do!

Down dooby doo down down
Comma, comma, down dooby doo down down
Comma, comma, down dooby doo down down
Breaking up is hard to do

Well, we've finally reached the stage in our lives where Lydia needs no in home healthcare nurses.  We probably reached it awhile ago but Mom and Dad still needed it.  It seemed drastic to rip the band-aid off something that we had known for so long.  We've slowly transitioned from 24/7 nursing care to 1 day a week and now none.

When Lydia came home from the hospital she had 24/7 home healthcare nursing.  The day nurse would report at 6am and the night nurse at 6pm.  Over the course the first year we transitioned down to day nursing and overnights, having the evenings and weekends to ourselves.  Once her trach was removed we transitioned to only daytime nursing hours while we were at work.  

When Lydia started preschool in August 2018 she still had 3 days at home with a nurse and over the fall and winter we've cut that back to one day a week.  I always get to a point where I just know it's time.  I've done that with each transition in Lydia's life.  There is a feeling.  Last night I had that feeling and I talked it over and knew.

Lydia will start attending preschool 4 days a week starting Monday, March 18.  We were waiting for April but I'm not sure why.  The band-aid is gone!  It's so freeing.  This will be the first time in 3 years and almost 9 months that we have not had nurses in our home.  No cars parked out front.  No reporting out in the morning and evening.  No paperwork to sign.  No basket full of binders and charts in the living room.  

Thank you so much to every nurse in the hospital and in our home that has cared for our sweet Lydia.  Especially our home healthcare nurses that were with us for a long time or a short while, you are part of Lydia's childhood and we will not forget your love and support.  Melinda, TJ, Barbie, Carolyn, Celia, Chelsea, Deb, Eunice, Fallon, Mark, Nora, Pat, Stacey. 


1 comment:

Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...