Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Now that we are home...here are the rules.

We are all home and getting settled in to our new life under one roof.  As you can imagine, we have a lot to learn about being parents at home, even with 24 hour nursing care.  Lydia has several special things that make her care unique.  She is trached so she has monitors and equipment for that.  Lydia has a feeding tube and Mic-Key button so her feedings are a little unique and take special attention.  Lydia's immune system may also be weakened and she is adjusting to new germs, so we won't be risking a lot of visitors.  Aside from all that, we need to adjust to having an 11 week old at home!

We want people to be able to visit Lydia and meet her for the first time.  She has a lot of family and friends waiting to greet her!  We're also anxious to see all the people we've been missing for the last 2.5 months.  Here are a few rules we've established to give us some time to adjust to life at home and to protect Lydia.

1.For at least the first two weeks we ask for no visitors other than scheduled visits by our parents and immediate family & friends.

2. For at least the first month we ask for no unannounced visitors.  Please just talk to one of us to find a good time to visit.  We love the company, if you don't mind a crowd!  We'll limit ourselves to one visit a day, on days we have plenty of time and no appointments.

3. We ask that any visitor be illness free.  If you or someone in your household has not felt well or been ill in the previous 48 hours, please wait to visit until you are well.  This includes allergies, just in case it turns out to not be allergies.  

4. You will be asked to wash your hands before being around Lydia.  We're so used to the hand sanitizer rules at the hospital and that is a hard habit to break.  We are especially cautious with her trach and it's easy for her to catch things.

5. We would love it if you and those in your household were up to date on your vaccinations.

We appreciate your support, offers of help and enthusiasm to meet Lydia.  Please remember that with Dan working the last 10 weeks and me going back part time for awhile, we have had very little time together as a family.  We need some of that, then we'll be happy to share the 

1 comment:

  1. You got it, girl. You spelled it out really well and you are as right as rain. No apologies, friend - do what you need to do for your darling baby girl. (She really is beautiful!)


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...