Thursday, September 10, 2015

Ophthalmology & General Surgery

Lydia had two appointments on Tuesday, Ophthalmology and General Surgery.  Ophthalmology was just a follow up from her first exam in the hospital.  She nailed it!  Granted she had no letters to read, but she sure followed the light up toy around the room.  General Surgery was to change our her MIC-KEY button for the first time, that's her feeding tube port.  She handled it like a boss and mom changed her button.  

Okay, so the appointments themselves went well, the circus surrounding them was tiring.  

We left at 9:15 and once we got moving Lydia fell asleep.  Next we get to the Broadway Clinic, load up Lydia and the stroller and get checked in 15 minutes early.  10:30, appointment time, rolls around and nothing.  10:45.  11:00.  Finally we are called back, the tech does an initial screen and dilates her eyes.  Now we wait 30 minutes.  I let them know that we needed to leave by 12 or 12:15 at the latest because we have an appointment at 1:00 at the South Clinic.  No problem, they'll hurry us along.  

We wait, starting at 11:15.  11:30.  11:45. 12.  I'm mad now and I'm beating myself up because I remembered EVERYTHING except her formula.  Doh!  Girl is hungry.  I sternly tell the receptionist I'm leaving because my kid needs food and we have another appointment.  If the doctor was on time I could have made it home to grab a bottle and then head to South.  Then a nurse walks by and the receptionist flags her down.  I repeat myself.  Bless her heart.  She orders up formula from the primary care clinic and calls South to let them know it's their fault, not mine, that we will arrive very late.  South agrees to see us first thing when we arrive.  

We finally get called back at 12:30 and the very nonchalant doctor walks in around.  I'm not smiling.  We proceed.  She needs more dilation drops and another 15 minutes.  You're kidding, right?  No.  I look at her and say, please tell me you agree that it's quite ridiculous that I am still at the eye doctor for a infant exam after 2 hours and we're not done yet.

There is a time to apologize for poor service and this would have been one of them.  And she finally did.  Then we all made up and posed for a Lydia's 1st Eye Doctor appointment!  Didn't even get to point out to her our 6 degrees of separation, actually more like 3.  Oh well. 

So, Lydia did great, we hauled all her stuff around just fine, and she did pretty good without her humidifier all day.  Yes, I was ticked because my schedule was messed with and I was late to something.  I hate that.  Yes, I'm learning mommy lessons but I never said I was handling it well.  I will not let the nurses make our appointments for me again.  Period.

Aren't you glad you read my blog to pick your spirits up today?  


  1. I love that you guys still took a picture despite the craziness!

  2. Dude, you need back-up on those multi-appointment days. Someone to manage things so you can focus on Lydia. 2 cars and lots of cash :)


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...