Sunday, September 13, 2015

Nurse free is the way to be!

Today is the first day of reduced nursing hours.  We get 18 hours a day this week and then finally cut back to our 16 hours a day schedule next week.  However, I've cut so many hours this week I think we're closer to 16 already.  

It's been good and bad having 24 hour a day nursing for two weeks.  I must say, we've learned something from every nurse, even if the lesson was "I never want you back in my house again begin you're cray cray!" 

I've only "fired" 4 nurses out of 12 nurses that have visited.  One for asking way too many  easy questions that a 12 year baby sitter could answer.  One for leaving Lydia completely unattended for 4 smoking breaks and planning her wedding instead of charting.  One for being a complete worry wort that forgot her stethoscope, couldn't figure out the feeding pump, and called me honey 101 too many times.  One for being a legit scary person who didn't want me near my own child in a creepy 90s made for TV movie fashion.  

We have 8 nurses that we do like and would invite back into our home.  3 will be regular evening nurses.  2 will be regular daytime nurses.  3 will be back up in case of vacation, illness or unexpected absences.  Having people in my home forces me to talk and socialize because I refuse to be a rude hostess.  Let's just say this introvert needs to go to her room and shut her door from time to time.

So, today was Sunday Family Fun day because we cancelled our nursing!  It was the first time since being home that it's just been the 3 of us and we had it for 16 hours!  We snuggled all morning, had a few wardrobe changes because none of our Chiefs outfits fit, had a fun visit from the Summers Family, went for a walk around the neighborhood, and finished up with bath time.  It was a great day!



  1. Yay for being nurse free for a day! That must've been so nice.

  2. Yay for being nurse free for a day! That must've been so nice.

  3. Lydia is looking adorable in these pictures. Hope you found a suitable nurse for your needs. I also have a daughter and she’s about the same size as Lydia is in these pictures. She will be celebrating her first birthday in a few days and we’re organizing a party for this occasion at one of the best event locations in the city.


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...