Monday, August 31, 2015

Thank You...abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

I can't begin to name every person who smiled, said hello, asked about Lydia, took care of Lydia, sold me a cup of coffee, checked my orange wristband, punched my floor button on the elevator, handed me my parent badge, etc. etc. etc. but I can give one giant thank you and hope they know they helped us.  They helped us have hope, have faith, have caffeine, have a smile on a day we may not otherwise have wanted to.  

We thank them all from the bottom of our hearts...even our lil' mended heart.

The hospital alphabet: FCH, NICU, PICU, ENT, CARDIO, GI, RT, OT, PT

Thank you to the many doctors we met along the way.  The ones we loved, the ones that wanted to send us home, the ones that wouldn't let us leave, the ones that finally got us here today. 

Allen, Flint, Miller-Smith, Ortmann, Tieves, Vaughan, O'Brien, Gelatt, Goudar, Lay, Madronero, Shah, Swanson, Wagner, Raghuveer, Arganbright, Carter, Olsen, Erkmann, Striker

Thank you to the surgeons that mended, fixed, patched and assisted Lydia so that she could have a beating heart, breathe and eat.  

Her heart beats because of you, Dr.Pastuszko.
She can breathe because of you, Dr. Paulsen.
She can eat because of you Dr. Iqbal.

Thank you to the Fetal Health Center who took care of me, dad, and Lydia and all our emotions from April 10 until she was born June 14.  Dr. Bennett, Jill, Lori, Amy, Brian, Jen and all the nurses who brought me ice chips, Popsicles and chicken broth for 4 days.  

Thank you to each and every NICU, PICU and 4th floor nurse who loved our little Lydia every hour of every day.  There are dozens and dozens of you and I appreciate each and every one.  Especially, Erin, Bailey, Jen (all 3 of them), Stephanie (all 3 of them!), Katie (at least 3 of them!), Whitney, Gayleene, Markey, Wendy and OJ.

And a special thank you to Ruby.  
Even on your worst day, you were happy for us and always had a smile.

Thank you, Mo, for all the red headed pep talks.  
She's a fiery ginger and she'll be your red headed buddy forever.

Thank you to the many security guards who like to act tough but are the kindest guys with guns and tasers I know.  Thanks for the good mornings and good nights each and every day.

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