Monday, August 10, 2015

Surgery # 3 in 8 weeks time.

As prepared as you think you are, you're never really prepared.  Third surgery in 8 weeks. 

Wake up at 4:30am, drive downtown at 5:30am, get to her bedside at 6:00am, sign all the papers at 7:00am, take her to surgery at 7:15am, wait, wait, wait, doctor comes to talk to us at 8:45am and we're at her bedside again by 9:45am.

Lydia's tracheotomy went perfectly and there were no complications.  She's back in bed and breathing easy with the help of a ventilator.  She'll stay on the vent for a few days until she heals, weans off sedation, and adjusts to her new airway.  Over about the course of a week or two, RT will adjust her settings and wean her off and hopefully she won't need any vent support.  If she does, oh well, help a girl out.  

There is one thing no one thought to tell us in all our trach conversations over that last week, and there were many, at least 7 or 8.  I read up and researched some, but never came across this information and didn't think to ask about it.  In hindsight, I feel dumb for not asking.  Lydia is currently on the vent, therefore wearing a cuffed trach, and cannot make noise.  That is really heartbreaking to find out after surgery, and I'm sure it would have been just as heartbreaking before.  Here's one big gigantic hope and prayer that she will be off the vent sooner rather than later so she can grow out of a cuffed trach into a cuffless trach.  

Cuffed and Cuffless Trachs:

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