Thursday, August 20, 2015

Going Local...Jets...Poop

Take that Starbucks and Seattle's Best!  

I've been at the hospital too long when I've had the chance to witness CMH requesting comments on their coffee selection, evaluating the comments, then fully implementing a new provider.  Starbucks is offered in the Express Cafe and Seattle's Best (still SBUX) is offered in the Orbits Cafeteria.  This week a magical thing happened and a great big airplane sign went up in the cafeteria.  The Roasterie has landed!  None of this was or is fancy, sugary drinks, just a cup o' joe, but I prefer and am grateful for the Roasterie.  

In other airplane news... 

The Kansas City Airshow is this weekend at the Wheeler Downtown Airport.  As Nurse Amber and I were preparing Lydia's emergency trach bag to carry with us everywhere, extremely loud jets flew by and caused us to jump a bit.  I've seen numerous sorts of fighter jets fly in between Lathrop & Gage and The Hyatt.  And, now you know our view from Room 6.  We also have a popular nesting spot for pigeons and lots of poop.  

Lydia is awesome and doing great! 

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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

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