Saturday, August 29, 2015

Nurses Play Dirty Tricks

Yay!  So excited!  It's your PCU weekend! Alright! You're going home Monday! Yay! 

Ya, ya, ya...then you give my kid 3 immunizations and hand her off to me for the night and say see ya later.  Dirty Tricksters.  Those shots couldn't have been given the night before?  

So our Parental Care Stay started Friday night around 6pm and we'll be in charge of our own kid until Sunday morning, finally!  We're pretty much rocking it but I swear they give the shots right before it starts to really test your limits.  

Friday Night:  All is good, Dan brings Town Topic for dinner, complete with a cherry shake.  We watch the Royals, we watch the Chiefs.  We do trach care, g-tube care, have a bath, etc.  Around 10:00 Lydia's heart rate jumps up and stay in the 180s and 190s all night.  No fever but she's absolutely fussy.  This continues all night, she won't quit kicking and punching and wiggling herself all over.  She's not getting any sleep, we're not getting any sleep.  I distinctly remember having a slight glimpse of a dream between 12:00 and 1:00, then again between 5:00 and 6:00.  She was better when being held, so I held her and watched Frozen at 3:00, I even sang.

Saturday Morning:  Miss Lydia Fussy Wussy Pants continues the act, complete with vomit requiring another trach care, bath and new outfit.  She passed out from 9:00 to 1:00 but continued her high heart rate.  No one had an answer, she had no fever and she sounded fine.  We tried Tylenol and it did nothing.  Of course I'm getting worried that something is wrong and she'll have to stay at the hospital and we're taking steps backwards.  

Saturday Afternoon:  Lydia was coughing more and having more secretions in her trach.  We were suctioning a lot, with and without saline.  Nothing helped her.  So, Dan showed up about 2:45, we quickly did a trach change together, our first, and we had a happy smiling baby in minutes.  Her heart rate is still high but is settling closer to the 160s and isn't much concern right now.  That is our first experience with a mucus plug in her trach and luckily it wasn't as frightening as I thought it would be.  Everything to do with a trach is a little easier to handle when there is no vent involved.  

Saturday Night:  I escaped and got us Manny's for dinner.  We watched the Royals and we're watching Sporting.  Lydia is snoozing and her heart rate is down to the 150s.  Let's keep this show on the road and make no pit stops.  Hoping for a few more minutes of sleep tonight, then home tomorrow to make sure everything is ready to bring our girl home on Monday.



  1. You watched Sporting!!! More importantly, CANT WAIT for the girl to go home!!!!!!

  2. That was a dirty trick...but you both passed the shot test. Great job.

  3. Phew! I was holding my breath while reading this. Thinking of you all and especially Miss Lydia! Bring it on home girl!


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...