Friday, June 16, 2017

Scrumptious Snacks Deliverd

Look what you did?  

You donated all these snacks to the 
Ronald McDonald Family Room at CMH. 

 Over 2,000 individually wrapped snacks for families to enjoy while their children are in the hospital. 

Thank you so very much for your generosity! 

We took the snacks to the RM Family Room yesterday, on Lydia's birthday.  It took 3 of us to get all the snacks, loaded into wagons, up to the Family Room.  Then we piled them high and took photos of Lydia smack in the middle.  She loved every second of it and even pushed the wagons around.  Lydia had never been in the Family Room which is hard to imagine since I've been so many times.  It was nice to make our first trip to the hospital as a family to do something other than see a doctor.

Now, what will our project be for her 3rd birthday?

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