Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Welcome To My Living Room...Part II.

Remember this post?  http://lydiaroseriggs.blogspot.com/2015/08/welcome-to-my-living-room.html

In August of 2015, we still didn't have our baby girl home but we had a darling nursery waiting for her.  Then we switched the living room out for the nursery.  Lydia has been sleeping, waking, playing, napping in the living room since August 31, 2015.  That is until Sunday, May 28, 2017.  Yay!  

This also means a pretty severe cut back in night nursing since she's right across the hall.  We are slowly cutting back her midnight feeding and adding it to her daytime meals so that once she's asleep she can sleep and we can sleep.  We used to have a nurse every night, then we cut back to 5 nights, then 4 nights a week.  We are going to cut back to Saturdays, Sundays, Thursdays and every other Monday and Tuesday.  Whoa!  

Lydia's Room May 2015

Lydia's Room August 2015 - May 2017

 Lydia's Room May 2017 

Our Living Room...again...finally!

And what does Lydia think?  Not a thing of it!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

One more week of arm boards...

Well, one more week. Dr. Goldstein was extremely happy with Lydia's healing and her progress. Surprised, actually.

We can continue giving her soft, mushy foods. She can't be in control of the spoon  though. Her molars are coming in so he's afraid she'll put the spoon too far back. 

In one week the arm boards are off. In two weeks we can add in different foods. In three weeks we go back for another follow up.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Other Weekend Fun!

We celebrated Brian and Dan's birthdays, a little late!  

Lydia and Grandpa ate icecream!  

And then some bugs died with the bug zapper salt gun!

Some Videos....


The End!

THANK YOU! $2,645


You all are so awesome!  

Thank you for making Team Love4Lydia the best support team for our little girl.  We had so much fun raising money, getting the team together and enjoying the morning yesterday.  

Thanks to all your support, Love4Lydia was the second largest team (we were beat out by 2 people!) and we were the largest fundraisers for CHD awareness.  

From the bottom of our hearts, even our little mended one, THANK YOU!


Here are the loud, shaky, and just plain not too good, videos from the Kid's Dash!

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Arm Board Distractions

Lydia does not hate her arms boards! 

They frustrate her at times, but she's adjusted really well.  When we take them off she shakes her arms out and moves them around like she's exercising.  Then she starts going through her signs like we're doing drills.  She's limited in what  she can sign with the arm boards on.  Last night when it was time to put them back on she stuck her arms out straight to be helpful.  

I'm very surprised this is going so well...and so very thankful.  We are on day 10 of arm boards and our follow up appointment is on the 24th.  Oh and last night I finally looked at the roof of her mouth and all the tiny white stitches.  From my untrained eye, everything looks good!  I'll let you know what the Doctor thinks next week.

We've been having all sorts of fun, even with the arm boards.  We've been to Macy's, Grandma & Grandpa's, Sam's Club, the farmer's market, Menard's, and many trips to the school playground and the park.  Oh, not to mention playing the trumpet, tending to the garden, watering flowers and countless rides down the driveway. 

My brother, sister-in-law and 3 nieces will be in town this weekend to celebrate birthdays, Mother's Day, and Team Love4Lydia's 5k walk at Arrowhead on Sunday.  We're going to have lots of fun making more memories.   


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...