Thursday, August 27, 2015

Welcome to my living room

Dan and I had an emotional evening as we disassembled Lydia's darling nursery and relocated it to the living room.  We prepared that room together and were excited to bring her home to it.  Now the bulk of her necessities are in the living room.  

When we go home we'll have 24/7 nursing care for 2 weeks and we'll wean back to 16 hours.  We will have anywhere from 4 to 6 nurses visiting our house during the week to cover daytime and overnight shifts.  This will last until Lydia no longer needs the trach or the g-tube for life sustaining reasons.  

It's all a blessing in disguise, I'm sure.  It's just hard to imagine life at home with strangers that will eventually feel like family.  We thought it best to relocate her to the living room so we have a common level of the house to share with the nurses.  They'll need the lights on, they'll need the kitchen, they'll need a place to sit, and this way it's easier than hearing someone in the hallway all night long.

So I cried when we took the crib out of her room.  I cried when we moved the love seat to her room.  I cried when I took this picture.  I cried when thinking about where the Christmas Tree would go.  Then I smiled.  She's coming home.  She can still hang out in her room and pick out her clothes with mom.  She can be with us all the time and not even have to go to her room for naps.  She can wake up to and fall asleep to the glow of the Christmas Tree. 

Welcome to my living room.

Carole King even wrote a song for this occasion...

Welcome to my living room
It's not a womb, it's not a tomb
Not a June bride or a December groom
Tonight, here in Hyannis, we'll be playing at a reasonable volume
Here in my living room

I'm gonna play some songs for you
There are so many I'd like to do
If I don't get to them all, I hope you'll forgive me
'Cause I'm 62, and there's so many I'd like to do, old and new
But I'll try to do all I can in the time they give me

Let's set aside all the fussing and fighting
And make this night about songwriting
Sing and play some favorite tunes
Welcome to my living room


  1. Who needs a "nursery" when you have Lydia's "living" lounge. Beautiful room, beautiful baby and beautiful parents (I know we have never met (yet) in person Kinsley's but you are an inspiration!) Hope to one day meet you and Lydia (and smack Dan around a little bit - Just kiddin')

  2. I cried when I read this. And I smile big every time I look at those cheeks!


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...