Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Those Cheeks!

Whether or not to give your 2 month old baby a trach is a very difficult decision.  The doctors know it's what is best and so do you, but none of that makes it easier to face.  

What makes it get easier is when you see her face for the first time since birth with no stickers or tubes on it.  When you see her sleeping peacefully, not needing to be positioned appropriately in order to breathe.  When you see her chest rise and fall in steady, even, slow breaths, instead of her entire torso retracting at a rapid pace.  

Lydia is so much happier and healthier after having this procedure.  I thank her doctors for truly making this a last resort and giving her a chance to do it on her own, but in the end, I thank them more for guiding me down the right path for Lydia.  

Just look at those big blues eyes, and those cheeks!


  1. She looks great! And cute bow! Thinking of you guys.

  2. Beyond Beautiful! I say a prayer for her everyday! Grow Lydia Grow - you are a tough, precious girl!!

  3. I am so glad she is doing well! Love that bow!

  4. So glad to hear such good news. Thoughts and prayers coming to you from Colorado - Aimee (Owen) Smith

  5. She is beautiful. Thank you God for wrapping her in His loving and peaceful arms. Praying constantly. Love you guys

  6. Thinking about you all!! God Bless you! Hope to meet Miss Lydia soon.


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...