Monday, August 17, 2015

What are we waiting for?

"Mom, Dad, I'm ready to go home now."

Lydia is indeed ready to go home.  This Friday she will be stable for two weeks with her trach and that is way long enough to be discharged.  The hold up is training mom and dad and setting up the in home nursing.  To set up the in home nursing I have to complete tons of paperwork with 3 different people, which I am working on tomorrow and Wednesday.  The training is just us being there for trach care and practicing with the nurses.  Lydia's first trach change was Friday, which Dan observed.  I need to observe one and we both need to complete  at least one, maybe two.  We can't just change her trach a few times one day and be finished.  It's something we can only do about twice a week.  After that we have to do a 24 or 48 hour parental care stay and then we'll bust outta there!

So, in the meantime, who does she look like?







  1. She looks like mom! Great news that she's on her way out of the hospital! I've been praying for you all and will continue too!

  2. She looks like mom! Great news that she's on her way out of the hospital! I've been praying for you all and will continue too!


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...