Thursday, May 18, 2017

Arm Board Distractions

Lydia does not hate her arms boards! 

They frustrate her at times, but she's adjusted really well.  When we take them off she shakes her arms out and moves them around like she's exercising.  Then she starts going through her signs like we're doing drills.  She's limited in what  she can sign with the arm boards on.  Last night when it was time to put them back on she stuck her arms out straight to be helpful.  

I'm very surprised this is going so well...and so very thankful.  We are on day 10 of arm boards and our follow up appointment is on the 24th.  Oh and last night I finally looked at the roof of her mouth and all the tiny white stitches.  From my untrained eye, everything looks good!  I'll let you know what the Doctor thinks next week.

We've been having all sorts of fun, even with the arm boards.  We've been to Macy's, Grandma & Grandpa's, Sam's Club, the farmer's market, Menard's, and many trips to the school playground and the park.  Oh, not to mention playing the trumpet, tending to the garden, watering flowers and countless rides down the driveway. 

My brother, sister-in-law and 3 nieces will be in town this weekend to celebrate birthdays, Mother's Day, and Team Love4Lydia's 5k walk at Arrowhead on Sunday.  We're going to have lots of fun making more memories.   



  1. Each picture tells so many stories and thoughts! Love them all and thanks for sharing.

  2. I will show you my tummy if you show me yours!


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...