Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Away we go!

5:15 am leaving for a 6:00 am arrival at same day surgery.

Lydia's sub mucous cleft palate reconstruction will be Dr. Goldstein's first case today. Dr. Arganbright will combo with him to check Lydia's ear tubes and to scope her airway. They will also draw her labwork so we don't have to do it when she's awake. That's a plus!

We are anticipating a 3 to 4 hour wait until all is done and we can see her in the PICU.  I'll update the blog by the end of the day, promise!


  1. prayers fors Lydia...You and Dan!! She will be one step closer to being even more incredible! <3 <3

  2. Sending you guys good thoughts!!

  3. Praying for our sweet girl ❤️❤️🙏🙏


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...