Monday, May 15, 2017

Like nothing ever happened!

We are one day shy of one week post-op and Lydia is doing amazing.  It's almost as if it never happened.  She's adjusted to her arm boards and isn't too cranky while wearing them.  It's frustrating at times if she wants to sign to us or play with certain toys.  Otherwise, she goes about her business. 

Sleeping is difficult.  She can't get comfortable with her arm boards on.  If she has a night nurse she can sleep with one or none and be fine.  When Dan and I are with her we are up all night taking 30 minute cat naps when she allows it.  She tosses and turns and can't get into a deep sleep because we leave the arm boards on since we try to sleep too.  

Last night around 4am I gave up, took the arm boards off, turned her monitors off and snuggled in on the couch with her.  We woke up at opposite ends of the couch and she had flipped around!  At least she was sleeping soundly.  At least I have coffee.  

She really doesn't seem to be in pain now.  Day 1 and 2 were bad, day 3 was okay, day 4 was almost normal.  The first few days she was on regular every 4 hour Tylenol and a dose of oxycodone at night.  Now she's on Tylenol about every 6 to 8 hours.  She has worn her passy valve and her cap for awhile and will be working her way back up to a full day this week.  She's eating her full amount again and we have completely switched to bolus syringes, no pump and feeding bags.  That means she doesn't have to wear the backpack!    
Her surgery follow up appointment is next Wednesday, where we hope to learn that she can ditch the arm boards and brush her teeth.  Oh the breath, poor girl, she needs to brush!

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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...