Friday, April 22, 2016

Miss Prissy Veins is a messy eater!

A lot has been going on!  For starters, Lydia got a whole bunch of blood drawn last Thursday.  She and I made our way to CMH downtown all by ourselves in morning rush hour because that's how we roll.  Then we waited around in Vascular Access for about an hour so that Miss Prissy Veins could get her blood drawn for labs.  She behaved and only had to be poked twice, which is about 2 times fewer than normal.  We went in our jammies, no judging!  Then we stopped curbside by Mama's work in the Crossroads and said hello to her.

Wednesday our Occupational Therapist came to see how Lydia was doing.  The answer is really good!  We are working on upper body strength so that Lydia can crawl and pull up.  Lydia has never liked tummy time because of the trach, surgery, Mic-Key, who knows what!  You try holding those cheeks up!  She needs to do some adaptive tummy time, side play, kneeling play, etc. to strengthen the chub into muscle.  She'll get it!  About the time Carrie says to work on something and shows us how, in no time Lydia is doing it.

Carrie also checked out her food tasting buffet experiences.  Lydia has twizzlers, pretzel rods, carrot sticks, slim  jims, jumbo marshmallows, chester puffcorn and cheese puffs.  She gnaws on all of it and creates a slobbery disgusting mess that Dad laughs at and Mom cries over.  But it's all worth it because...ready for this...prepare yourself...Lydia ate 3 cheese puffs!  The melted and dissolved in her mouth and she swallowed them and wanted more.  Yay Lydia!  

Last but not least, we're starting to sign.  1. because babies communicate by signing and 2. because Lydia can't talk and babble like a baby without a trach.  So, we (mom and dad) know mom, dad, gma, gpa, elephant, giraffe, play, ball, book, please, thank you, bath, bed, eat, more, all done, bye/hi smart, I love you.  We are talking and signing as much as we can, then using her hands to repeat the signs.  She probably thinks we are a little nuts, but I'm sure she already does!

1 comment:

Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...