Saturday, June 20, 2015

Picture Time

No big updates lately because Lydia is doing great!  She's very stable and resting well, preparing for her upcoming surgery.  She's getting the max amount of fluids and breast milk.  Yes, she's getting breast milk through a feeding tube in her nose.  She's down to only one pulse oximeter, which when you have lots of IVs and monitors, one less wire is appreciated.  Lydia started out having her blood drawn and labs checked every 4 hours and now she's being checked once a day.  All good things!  

Lydia absolutely loves being swaddled and absolutely hates it when you mess with the swaddle.  Every time the nurses need to assess her, change a diaper, check a monitor, re-position her, whatever it is, look out!  It's just her upper body that's swaddled because from her belly button down she has a lot of important things going on and they don't want her playing with the wires.  Sometimes I sneak a hand out and she loves to rest it on her cheek or fist it under her chin or cheek.  Precious!

My favorite picture of cozy Lydia and her snuggle bear.

Lydia and Daddy having a little chat.

She looks a little freaked out about the new tube in her nose, but it's a good thing.
Lydia is now receiving a tiny bit of breast milk.

Snuggle time with Mommy.

All that hair - just wait for the hair bows lil' lady.


  1. I love these pictures!! The one of Dan and Lydia is so precious...he looks so if to say "and if you bring home a Red Sox loving boyfriend, he won't last long with me!" Love you guys! Love that baby girl!

  2. Wonderful pictures! You all look great!


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...