Monday, June 8, 2015

A Bump in the Road

A couple months ago I had a routine ultrasound and Lydia measured a bit small, consistent measurements, but only in the 6th percentile.  I was referred to a specialist and they measured her in the 16th percentile.  On the right track!  My doctor and the specialist agreed that due to my height and size, she may just be a small baby or she may come a week or so later than anticipated.  I had a follow up with the specialist scheduled just to check for growth consistency from month to month.  At that visit on April 8, I saw a different doctor who said that size-wise we were okay and she was now in the 17th percentile.  He also found a potential problem with her heart.  He thought that the aortic valve was measuring smaller than the pulmonary valve.  He referred us to the Fetal Health Center at Children’s Mercy.  On Friday, April 10 we went to have a Fetal Echo and consultation with a Cardiologist.

Lydia has an interrupted aortic arch and a ventricular septal defect.  That basically means her aortic arch is small and doesn't connect in the right places, meaning it will need to be reconstructed and the two sides attached, and she has a hole between the left and right ventricles that needs to be patched.  I will deliver in the Fetal Health Center at Children’s Mercy Hospital, where Lydia will be staying for a while.  Best case scenario is that she has to have 1 surgery and they fix it all at once.  Hopefully the worst case scenario is that she has to have 2 surgeries and fix one thing then the other.  Depending on when this can happen, due to her size and strength, she could be in the hospital for 4 to 8 weeks.  We have the best resources imaginable at Children’s Mercy and this was caught before she was born, so we will be prepared and ready to take care of her.  Once she’s had her operations and is all healed, there is no reason she won't lead a normal, healthy and active life.

The other thing going on is that I have too much amniotic fluid, almost double what it should be.  This could lead to pre-term labor.  Since Lydia is small and has a heart difference the doctors want her to make it to 39 weeks.  My doctor suggests I sit as much as possible and prop my feet up.  So, a lot of couch time for me, move over Dan!  The doctor has decided to induce labor on June 11, if I don't start labor naturally before then.  So, here's hoping for June 11 so this little girl can keep packing on the pounds.  I've made it this far, June 8, so let's count down a few more days!

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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

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