Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Waiting for the tulips to bloom.

Post Super Bowl Victory Living

Valentine's Day at home and Grandma's. 
Parties at school on Friday.
What a bittersweet holiday it turned into.

Girl Scout Cookie Booth Time!
Lydia uses her head to keep the Lego container lid up while searching.

Dan and Lydia's proof of life photo while Mom was off exploring and relaxing in Costa Rica!

The bathroom remodels are finally reaches their conclusion.  
Just a little paint and towel bar installation is left!

Dad out of town. Mom out of town. Dad out of town.
It's been am month or a couple months of travel.
Breakfast for dinner and Mi Ranchitos!

Lydia decided to take ballet after the Nutcracker performance in December.
She's preparing for her first recital in June! 

Fixing dinner and scooting off to Casey's for a snack.

We needed a new tree in the front yard so we went after the Oklahoma Redbud at Suburban.
Golf carts at the plant nursery are the best.

Lydia made a tie dye pillow with Nana.

Annual eye visit.

Victorious concert in the kitchen!

Here are those new glasses.  
We've had hot pink (Kinder), light purple (1st), the brightest pink ever (2nd and broken with facial lacerations last summer, remember?) followed by bright blue (replacement!) and we're on to light pink.

Then pneumonia found us.  Lydia has crappy lungs to start with so adding pneumonia isn't super fun. It sure knocks her out with fever for a few days.  She lost 5 pounds.  She slept for hours and hours.  This time overlapped with Easter so that was low key and spent at home.  Luckily by then she had meds and was starting to feel better.  We were able to color eggs and do an indoor egg hunt. Her class made her a super cool sign and her teacher dropped it off with skittles!

She made it back to school in time for the eclipse!


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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

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