Wednesday, June 5, 2024

After the tulips and before the summer sun!

Lydia, Grandma and I took a 3 day weekend and headed to Hutchinson!  We went tot he salt mine and toured with our hard hats.  It starts on a big industrial elevator in complete darkness.  Then we were able to ride a train and a tram into the already mined areas.  Lydia loved it and will show you her salt if you come over sometime!

We ate a Bogey's because it seemed like a legit local establishment with cherry shakes.  
Cherry shakes is really all it take to get a Krupich to eat at your restaurant! 
I grew up on cherry shakes at Winsteads and out of the blender at home!

The Cosmosphere was SO COOL!  I think I liked it most, Lydia preferred the salt mine.  She said the Cosmosphere didn't have enough for her to do and was too much reading. ;-)

We finished up with a deliciously huge dinner at Carriage Crossing.  PIE!!!

The 3rd graders at LVE create a community together called Peanutville.  Lydia was selected to build the library based on a persuasive writing piece.  She designed it, wrote the supplies list, went shopping for supplies, and laid everything out for us.  We created this library as a family during the first week of May.  I'd say we did a pretty good job and it's a library I'd be proud to manage. 

We celebrated Dad's birthday at the driving range and with a great meal at Club 27.

For mother's day this girl gang went to play mini golf at the Nelson Atkins Museum. 
Really great course inspired by all the work in the museum.

Field Day and the Last Day of 3rd Grade concluded a rollercoaster of a school year.


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