Sunday, August 1, 2021

CPAP Update ... Ear Infections and so many shots.


Well, she's doing it, like the champion she is.  
Also, I'm doing it, like the bribing with rewards mother that I am.  

Lydia has number magnets she uses to mark the days she wears the mask 8 or more hours.  

After 3 consecutive nights she got an LOL doll.  
After 5 consecutive nights she got a LEGO set.  
After 8 consecutive nights she says she wants a Barbie...
Needless to say, LOL dolls make this 6 year old's world go round and she's wearing her CPAP mask 8-11 hours each night.  What can't she do? 

One night she did wake up in fits and screams because her ear hurt.  Lydia has never had an ear infection but has always had ear tubes.  This is our first summer without them because one fell out and the other was removed since it was partially out.  Now Dr. Google told me that CPAP can cause discomfort from pressure in the middle ear.  At 1am it could be that. She had no fever.  Dan slept with her on the couch until she could settle down and sleep.  

Then we headed to the doctor...double ear infection, cough and congestion.

Lydia still has an oral aversion to liquid meds, having a gtube meant not needing to learn that skill at a young age. Giving her liquid meds can be like WWIII and we reserve that fight for her liquid iron each night.  She needed an antibiotic, steriod and inhalers. The latter are more precautionary due to her airway issues and two rounds of Croup under our belts this summer. 

I'm the mom in the urgent care room that asks if they have anything injectable.  They always raise an eyebrow but the hassle and tears for 30 seconds of agony far outweigh the frustration of liquid meds. She gets stickers, suckers and toys because the nurses just gobble her up!

Day 1: 4 rounds Albuterol, 2 rounds Flovent, 1 steroid shot, 2 antibiotic shots.
Day 2: Yes, we had to go back for the next dose of 2 antibiotic shots.
Day 3: Yes, we had to go back again for the next dose of 2 antibiotic shots.

Lydia may never want to see another doctor again, 
except she's decided she will be a doctor for Halloween.

That is all past us.  She is back at camp having a great time. Swimming lots and we even got all our school supply shopping done.  Summer is coming to a close and I couldn't be happier.  It's not been a particularly fun one. Now bring on school and germs and mask arguments between parents and all the rest. Can't wait. Gah.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in thereSweetie! You two can weather any storm. You have so far!!!


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...