Saturday, May 1, 2021

I'm so over Covid Tests.

I'm so over Covid tests...she's had 2 or maybe 3.
I'm even more over every symptom of everything could also be Covid.  

Lydia developed a cough and fever.  When Lydia gets sick with a fever she is down for the count.  It reached 103 on her forehead and 104 in her arm pit.  Poor girl. She was Covid and Flu tested the next day, both negative.  Of course by the time we were at the doctor she was a Chatty Cathy with no fever.

But it came back!  102 that evening so no school for two days.  She was pretty sad to miss school, worried about her worksheets, and disappointed she missed the substitute teacher!  Oh and bag day - bag day is every Friday when they have cheeseburgers and chips served in a bag instead of a tray.

We did a lot of Legos and watched a lot of Lego movies.

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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

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