Saturday, April 24, 2021

Good to have a more normal Easter this year.

Colored Easter Eggs with Grandma.  We may have experimented and combined all sorts of dyes and colorings for really bright eggs.  And, I forgot to take a picture of them. 

Lydia did not want the Easter Bunny in her room.  The Leprechaun was allowed, but no bunnies.  She also woke up around 1am, 4am and then finally 5:45am.  We all were able to see the sunrise on Easter!

I love Egg Hunt photos! She found all but one and even Papa couldn't find it.  Here they are counting her money and seeing what was in her basket that was hidden in the fire pit!

Aunt Gigi and Nana hid probably over one hundred eggs in the yard!
Here is the gang of egg hunters!


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