Saturday, May 8, 2021

It Takes a Village.

Lydia has had separation anxiety since she had in home nursing, then at preschool, and it continues into Kindergarten. Most mornings are okay but out of the blue she can breakdown, cling to me and not want to go into school. Once she finally gets inside, she's absolutely okay. I know this and am fine during these incidents.  Mainly I lose my patience and get irritated, the opposite of what she needs.

Other girls from class and their siblings try to console Lydia and get her to walk in with them. Nope. The crossing guard tries to give Lydia a pep talk and get her moving towards school. Nope. The school counselor has been exceptional in helping Lydia get into school and talk through her feelings before she enters the classroom. And, it hasn't happened in quite some time, like since mid-March. Since Spring Break.  Since the school counselor went on maternity leave. I see a connection.

Lydia comes bouncing out of school in the afternoon and skips home like it never happened!

I write about this because the crossing guard recently told me about a few parents who have commented on how well Lydia is doing in the mornings and crossing the walks on her own.  Others saw our struggle. Others sympathized. Others noticed her amazing, brave and courageous behavior and said something about it. I don't know those parents. They don't know Lydia.  They are all part of our village. 

And sometimes you lose a shoe running home.

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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...