Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Happy Birthday, month by month, year by year.

4 years old:
My sweet girl will wake up a 4 year old today. Over the past year she started preschool, graduated from speech therapy, and began gymnastics, karate and swimming lessons. Thankfully Lydia only had one surgery as a three year old, that's an improvement! She loves to be outside, help with the laundry, and fix food. Some of her favorite things are HyVee, The Beatles, her playhouse, dryer sheets, Anna-Elsa, and the orchestra. She has come so far in these short 4 years and I can't even begin to imagine what mountains she will climb in the future. She's my curious little sponge, always asking questions, asking me to spell words, memorizing the lyrics and sharing smiles all along the way. Happy Birthday Lydia Rose! Cheers!

3 years old:
Lydia Rose is turning 3 today! She is precious in every way, the sunshine in my day. She is the joy in my soul and the love of my life.  What a year my sweet girl has had. Lydia healed from her submucous cleft palate repair surgery. She started tiny tots gymnastics, passed her sleep study, and had her trach removed. Lydia graduated from the Home Vent Clinic, started speech therapy and Parents as Teachers, and visited a typical pediatrician for the very first time. We went to Sesame Street Live, took a Winter Solstice Luminary Walk, enrolled in Preschool, and then hid out for a couple months because of the measles. We took a trip to Colorado! She just aged out of Infant Toddler Services and now we prepare for Lydia to get her live vaccines and have her tonsil removed.  To use the words of Lydia Rose, “Happy Day!”

2 years old:
Two years ago, on a rainy Sunday morning, my sweet Lydia Rose was born at 3:49 am. She weighed 5 lbs 15 oz and was 20.25 inches long. She had a head full of brown hair that we thought might be kind of curly...little did we know!  Today, my darling girl is full of joy, happiness, life and smiles. She makes every single day better and brighter for me. She weighs 22 lbs 8 oz and is 31.5 inches long. And it goes without saying that what might be kind of curly hair is tightly twisted ringlets!  It's estimated that the cost of raising a child from birth to age 18 is $233,000. I added up all of Lydia's EOBs, not including home healthcare nursing, and so far she has spent $3,073,051.79 on medical expenses alone. Thank goodness for insurance and great employers. That doesn't even include diapers, her adorable outfits or her excessive hair bow collection.  She's priceless to me and her birthday is the happiest day of my life.

18 months old:
Lydia is 18 months old tomorrow, December 14th. She is amazing and we're the lucky ones because we get to be her parents. Lydia took her first three steps on Saturday evening and took four this evening. If we can string a few more along will be chasing her everywhere! Happy 18 months baby girl!

12 months old:
"She is delightfully chaotic; a beautiful mess. Loving her is a splendid adventure."  It's Lydia's first birthday! Lydia is 27.5 inches and 18 pounds.  Her strength and resilience amaze us every day. Some days were hard, some were harder, but most we found joy. You're the toughest kid we know and are excited for year 2. You got this girl!

11 months old:
"Always believe something wonderful is about to happen."  Lydia turned 11 months old a few days ago, but she'll never know we forgot to take pictures and post. Oops! We remembered a couple times but life was happening. We've been enjoying our little lady, listening to her make noises with her Passy valve, watching her wiggle and squirm, seeing how brave she is and how happy her smile makes us! Check out the blog for all the scoop, we've been busy!

10 months old:
"What I wanted most for my daughter was that she be able to soar confidently in her own sky, whatever that may be." — Helen Claes  Lydia is 10 months old...tomorrow...the 14th! How did that happen? 16 pounds 8 ounces, as of a week ago, and just over 26 inches! Our pictures are kind of a hot mess this month and nothing matches and we like it that way!

9 months old:
"Courage, sacrifice, determination, commitment, toughness, heart, talent, guts. That's what little girls are made of." ~Bethany Hamilton  9 months old today and almost 16 pounds and is 26 inches long!

8 months old:
Happy Valentine's Day!  Happy 8 months old Lydia!  Lydia is a happy camper...she's making all sorts of fun faces, trying to make noises around her trach, sitting up unsupported in short bursts, and rolling from belly to back and almost to belly again. Not sure we'll master that with the trach. She loves her exersaucer and her new floor pillow for naps.  Lydia has no clue we are approaching another surgery and I hope she forgets as soon as it's over on March 3rd. I'll be updating the blog in March if you want to follow her progress post-op.

7 months old:
"She leaves a little sparkle wherever she goes."  Tomorrow = 7 months old and growing! We are thrilled Lydia is over 14 pounds & 25 inches. The girl is all smiles!

6 months old:
"A baby is sunshine & moonbeams & more. Brightening your world as never before." Lydia turns 6 months old tomorrow - 6 months! I couldn't pick 1 or 2 or 3 photos, so you get the many faces of Lydia!

5 months old:
"I love you blue as the sky, tall as a tree, deep as the ocean, far as the moon, forever and ever!"  Lydia is 5 months old today! She is 23 inches long and 12 pounds. She's working on rolling over and sitting up, and our OT doesn't think she's too far behind. We're hearing lots of noises around her trach, which is a great sign. Come spring we can start talking about being decannulated!

4 months old:
"Daughters are another version of yourself, only better."  Lydia is 4 months old today! She's almost 23 inches long and weighs 10 lbs 14 oz. She is on the growth chart now! The hospital memories have faded a little, but almost weekly visits to CMH keep them fresh for now. She's so happy at home!

3 months old:
"Your daughter will hold your hand for a little while, but hold your heart for a lifetime."  Lydia is three months old today! She loves being home and is all smiles for us, though these pictures don't show it. A little grumpy for our photo shoot and gave a lot of stink eyes. It's been so fun to watch her personality blossom the last two weeks.

2 months old:
"I know a girl, she puts the color inside of my world." ~John Mayer  Our darling girl is two months old today! She has been through so much and fought so hard every step of the way. We didn't make our goal of being home by August, but we just may make it home by September.

1 month old:  
Our darling girl is one month old today! Such a big miracle in such a little girl! She has impressed us everyday and we hope to be home by the end of the month. 

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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...