Wednesday, July 10, 2019

4th of July Week Recap in Pictures!

Dan and I returned from our camping and float trip and 
Lydia was ready to help with the laundry so she wore mom's bandannas.

On the 4th of July Lydia and I went to Heritage Park for a walk, 
to look at the blue herons and to play on the playground and swings. 

The rains came and we went to Mom and Dad's for lunch.  The second it stopped raining Lydia was outside in the pool and needed a water refill so she could squirt us all with her unicorn squirter.

That evening Dan and I had some neighbors over to light some "legal" fireworks. 
Lydia did not want anything to do with it and the headphones helped.  
She eventually became interested in snappers, smoke bombs and sparklers.  

Friday night the three of us went to the neighborhood school playground for some after dinner fun.

Saturday morning Lydia decided she would be a princess.  She wore her tiara until bedtime. 

We met Grandma at Stoll Park for some coffee and play time.  Lydia tackled some new adventures on the playground like the inside out climbing obstacle and the twisting ladder.  

Sunday we had some pool time with the puddle jumper, inter-tube and noodles.

Later that day we visited our friends, The Summers Family, and walked to a park for a picnic dinner and play time.  Lydia was a bit overwhelmed by the enormity of that playground but had some fun running about!  Unfortunately, we failed to get a group shot of the kids this year. 

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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

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