Friday, June 10, 2016

June 10 through June 14

No one knew inducing labor could take so long!  It's all a little blurry as to what happened when and how many times I asked for more pillows and how many sawdust cheeseburgers Dan ate, etc. Here is a stream of consciousness recap of what I remember over the course of those days in a hospital bed.

Checking in late Wednesday evening expecting to have a baby the next day and then i couldn't wear the nightgown i wanted to wear even though it was basically the same as the one they put me in who keeps a hugely pregnant woman in a birthing bed for 4 days the nurses and i became very well acquainted very quickly how can you not in that situation i didn't know what to expect and was crying first the nightgown then the iv then the monitors then kicking everyone out so i could cry to Dan and not be seen and be a big girl when the nurses came back i should really go back to the fetal health center and clue them in on how to prepare a mother for that part of the ordeal i ate a lot of ice chips and some really nice nurses let me have coffee and sprite and Popsicles they had to ordered from food services and took so long to get jello jello jello Dan had a little kitchen to retrieve snack and drinks in he was so made there wasn't a single real coke in that hospital remember the biscuits and gravy with a serving size for a 4 year old that was great the food wasn't awful for him but man did he enjoy the BBQ the day Lydia was born and i scarfed some tacos best tacos ever because i had hardly eaten in four days the bed sucked my hips hurt so bad and i think i ended up with about 12 plus pillows no kidding and once i was on the iv and swollen like a sausage i could hardly flip myself geez this is when i started watching Master Chef and drawing in my adult coloring books i also finished a book and part of another post it note pictures on the windows of the hospital building across the way there was tucan what do you mean the cervidil did nothing i'm not dialated and you're starting the pitocin

Oh it was a fun 4 days of waiting...wasn't it?  Here is what I wrote last year:

We checked into hotel Children's Mercy at 8:00pm Wednesday, June 10.  Nice room with a view and the world's most uncomfortable birthing bed.  The doctor on call was kind enough to let me have soft foods on Thursday morning since I hadn't eaten since noon the day before.  I ordered chicken noodle soup, mashed potatoes and gravy, and applesauce.  Yummo!  Inducing really begun around noon on Thursday, June 11.  In the evening I had chicken broth, an orange jello cup and cherry popsicles.  Luckily, I have a thing for orange jello and popsicles.  The chicken broth tastes like the seasoning packet in Ramen noodles.  It's divine, I'm serious.  I love that stuff.  Dan now expects us to save money for Lydia's college fund by my going on a Ramen Noodle diet.      

I've been on Pitocin, very slowly upping the dose, since noon on June 11.  We could go faster, but then we run the risk of stressing out Miss Lydia or me.  Since Lydia will have after birth complications, we're taking things extremely slowly to keep everyone safe.  It's a long, slow, boring process, but we're passing the time.  I've almost finished one book, I'm playing a lot of solitaire, and we're watching substantial amounts of TV.  Oh how I wish the Royals v. Cardinals series would start today.  

Miss Lydia was definitely in no hurry to see the world and meet Mom and Dad.  After many attempts to induce labor and achieve progress, we finally turned a corner on Saturday morning.  Things were progressing, I got an epidural, slept through most of the night and at 3:00am it was go time.  Lydia arrived at 3:49am.  Night Owl or Early Bird?  Only time will tell.  She weighs 5 lbs 15 oz and is 20.25 inches long.  She has a head full of brown hair that might be kind of curly.  Lydia has the sweetest little feet and long fingers.    

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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

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