Saturday, October 24, 2015

Think like a proton

Alright, today has to be the day.  The day I quit having these poor me moments.  I'm going to get it all out and then work on getting better.  Call me out on it if I'm being a whiny little you know what.

No, I have not been to any postseason games, though I have a ticket to every one of them.  I just don't care this year like I did last year.  My place it as home with Lydia, but I know I need to get out and have a life.  So, I'll try to go to at least one World Series game.      

No, I have no more night nurses, well one every other Monday and Tuesday.  I live too far away from them or they found a better paying job at a hospital.  I can't blame them.  I have two companies searching for more.  It will get better.

I am grateful for our wonderful daytime nurses.  I am grateful our night time nurses will be able to cover every once in awhile, just not consistently.  I am grateful we found Emma and she's going to be with Lydia tonight so Dan and I can celebrate our anniversary.

I am so thankful Lydia is at home and thriving.  She is alive and healthy.  What do I have to complain about?  Nothing.  I only have things to be thankful for, like this sleeping beauty that I'm going to go snuggle...after I clean up the formula that I fed to the floor because I didn't realize the tube wasn't hooked up at 6am.  Face Palm.


  1. You're not being whiny. I may need to let things off my chest too. Want to go take a 15-20 minute walk around the neighborhood here and there? They can be our whiny walks. ;-)

  2. I am so glad you two went out for your anniversary!


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...