Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Deletion 22

I don't write much about Lydia's 22q11 deletion because I don't know much.  I know what it has meant for her so far.  I do not know what it may mean for her in the future.  

I came across this young lady's blog today and I can't help but wonder if Lydia will be like her.  Amy is 20 years old, starting college, and has mainly been affected in social and emotional ways, along with learning disabilities.  

It's a very hard genetic disorder to read about and come to any conclusions because there are so many ways it could affect the human body.  I think we know most of the physical ways this deletion will affect Lydia.  We have yet to know the psychiatric and intellectual ways.  

Here is something I borrowed from Amy's YouTube channel and below that is her 22q music video.

22Q is the second most common genetic disorder after Down Syndrome, yet most people don't know about it. It is also commonly known as VCFS (Velo Cardio Facial Syndrome) and DiGeorge Syndrome. This syndrome affects 1 in every 4,000 live births. 

Teachers, special educators, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, psychologist, and families need to be informed about this disorder. It can be hiding underling medical, psychiatric, and learning problems. This includes heart defects, visual and hearing problems, growth/development, social/emotional problems, and Intellectual disabilities. There are over 80 characteristics associated with this syndrome, which makes it difficult to detect without DNA testing.

1 comment:

  1. One thing i know for sure is that with parents like you and Dan...Lydia will be strong, brave and awesome!!


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...