Wednesday, July 22, 2015

We missed you, PICU.

Sunday: Lydia 2 days post-op, on pain meds, steroids, anti-reflux and lasix.  Had such a good day and was breathing so well she moved to the floor.  All was good.

Monday: Lydia 3 days post-op, on pain meds, anti-reflux and lasix.  Had a good day and Dr. wanted to send her home by the end of the week.  All was good.

Tuesday AM: Lydia 4 days post-op, on anti-reflux.  Had a good morning and Dr. wanted to send her home by the end of the week, but perhaps on a teeny tiny bit of oxygen.  All was okay.

Tuesday mid-day: Lydia 4 days post-op, on nothing.  Had a good morning but had a little coughing spell in the early afternoon which upset her and quickened her breathing.  Her stats never dropped.  Got every one's attention.  Everyone (RNs X2, APRNs X2, ENT X2, RT X2, OT X1 and Dr. X1) started listening to her, poking at her, assessing her, turning on the lights, undoing her swaddle, x-rays on her chest and scopes down her nose.  The girl was pissed off and crying...thus irritating her already irritated throat, sore tummy and heavy breathing.  

Momma gets worked up and goes straight to worst case scenario, way past reality.

Daddy gets worked up and goes to optimistic, stop messing with my kid, she'll calm down.  

We were warned that more work while breathing or noisier breathing would land us right back in the PICU and so we went.  The minute she was in her new room with the awesome TLC of the PICU nurses, she was quieter, sucking on a pacifier and dozing off to sleep.  The ICU Dr. last night was great and immediately put her on a pain meds, steroids, anti-reflux and lasix.  The child is five weeks old, maybe she needed another dose or two of something to keep her comfortable.  She was sleeping soundly without a care in the world by 7:30pm and still was at 11:00pm when I called in to check on her.

Every thought, hope, wish and prayer is going towards a calm morning, an uneventful afternoon and a peaceful evening.  Lydia likes the PICU resort and spa, so let's stay another day.  I can live with that.       

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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

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