Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Staycation Week 1

Two weeks off in the middle of summer was such a needed break. 
Lydia and I were home together the last week of June and the first week of July.

We played at home. Inside, outside, playhouse, garage, drive way.  
Fun times were had with friends, family and neighbors.  
Lydia had time to test out all of her birthday gifts, 
including massive amounts of Kinetic Sand from the Cunninghams!

Pediatrician, Kidz Club

Nordstrom Cafe Lunch Date

Summer Skills Review and Peter Rabbit at the theater.

Spent a day as a family at Crown Center, Union Station and LegoLand.  Lydia has a spidey-sense for anything remotely related to a play kitchen.  She found the pizza oven at LegoLand!  She also really enjoyed the life size Lego Friends of Heartlake City.  We always visit Crown Center and Union Station at Christmas time so she was curious to know where all the giant Christmas trees were.

Grandma and Lydia spent a day together at Wonderscope!


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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

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