Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Introducing...Our Daisy!

Lydia joined Girl Scouts and is in a Daisy Troop with girls from the three kindergarten classes at school.  We have 15 girls in the troop, 2 awesome troop leaders and gobs of moms that signed up to be volunteers.  Our first meeting was November 9th.  We are supposed to go on a hay ride November 22nd, but COVID, so who knows.  I am so excited for this opportunity for Lydia to make new friends and form lasting friendships with girls in her troop.  I never crossed over from Brownies into Girl Scouts but I have a hunch this one might.  And here is our Amazing, Brave and Courageous Daisy!

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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...