Sunday, September 6, 2020

G-Tube Stays In vs. G-Tube Comes out

We saw the doctor and the dietitian at the GI clinic on Friday, August 21st.  I forgot the food diary I kept for 5 days to prove she was eating enough and enough variety.  Our neighbor, Aimee, saved the day and sent me pictures of the pages!  Both were extremely happy with Lydia's tube weaning journey and how perfectly chubby she is in all the right places.  

We are going to wait until after the Growth Hormone Simulation testing on the September 2nd and then take the G-Tube out forever!  She did it.  I couldn't be more proud of my girl.  Learning to eat orally, learning to take medications orally and not needing her G-Tube for food since October 1st and medications since March 1st.  You are my hero Lydia Rose!

Lydia and I celebrated by going to Crown Center for Chinese Takeout which we ate outside while enjoying the fountains and people watching. We also picked up a super fun packet of craft supplies from Kaleidoscope! 

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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...