Thursday, September 3, 2020

COVID-19: That wasn't a fun test

COVID-19 symptoms can include:

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Yep.  Had. Them. All.  Lydia was A-okay one lovely early August day and then in a couple hours time she was not.  She had all the things.  All the things, meaning symptoms of Covid-19.  Conveniently all the things of every other virus floating around in the world.  Dang. 

So I called her pediatrician and luckily Lydia was on speaker phone in the car and the nurse heard her cough.  She said maybe you should go to urgent care...tonight.  So I get us a spot at CMH BV Urgent Care, Dad comes home, we all hop in the car.  By that point Lydia has fever, cough, fatigue, sore throat, congestion, vomiting.  Headache came while we were there. Diarrhea didn't come for a day or two.  

Lydia and I go in, get hospital masks to trade ours out with, are escorted to an isolation room and we watch Frozen II on the tablet.  Lydia is in and out of crying and sleeping and whining and trying to charm the doctors and nurses with talks of The Incredibles and her new favorite color.  Eventually we get down to it and she gets tested for Covid.  You know how you think they are going for your brains? They are essentially going through your nose to the back of your throat.  On the diagrams it looks like a straight line.  I'm not buying it.  Anyway, a day after all those doctor visits and blood draws, then a covid test.  Poor little tater tot.  

She got a Popsicle but she didn't want it.  She just dry heaved all the way home and went to bed.  We were out after dark and she couldn't understand what all the lights were about.  I guess we've been doing good with bedtimes, huh?  When we got home and put her to bed she sat back up and said "I'm going to try to feel better tomorrow."  Ack.  Heart strings.  Tugging.   

Thankfully CMH lab is on it and we heard results within 12 hours. NEGATIVE. Still sick but NO COVID.  Thank you, Lord!  Her fever broke overnight Friday.  She was good enough to be outside Saturday afternoon but still has a cough, a little snot (OMG there was so much snot).


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