Sunday, May 31, 2020

Are we scared about Lydia and COVID-19?

Yes, but not for the reason you may be thinking.  

If you thought it was because of her heart, you are actually not correct.  That's a relief, huh?  Lydia's Cardiologist has said that Lydia's heart is functioning fully and all her repairs are working well.  She is at no greater risk from a heart standpoint than any other healthy 5 year old.  

If you thought it was because of her immunodeficiency, you are correct. Is that better or worse?  Lydia's Immunologist has said that due to Lydia's 22q11 Syndrome her immune system is still week and will not fight off infection as quickly or efficiently as any other healthy 5 year old.  

She suggests we not send Lydia back to preschool or daycare this summer unless we must.  Lydia's T-Cells are high enough, when looked at in combination with several other factors, to receive immunizations. However, they are still very low and it's hard for her to fight off infection.  

We are considering sending her to preschool two days a week. We are fully aware of their precautions and safety measures, which are by the book.  There will also be 4 students and 2 teachers only that she has contact with at school.  We don't know what is right.  We just have to do what feels right for us.

I'm not sure what this will mean come August when she is supposed to start Kindergarten.  She has her heart set on that Kindergarten.  She talks about it non stop.  We walk to the school to visit, we discuss the playground at length, we even talk about what she will pack in her new backpack and which shoes she is going to wear.  This girl is ready to be a LVE Eagle!  

I really hope she gets that experience, in the school, learning with other young minds, even if it is cut short with another stay at home order this fall and winter.  I'd be okay with a little home for the holidays time. 

Sunday, May 24, 2020

And just like that, it was May.

Time goes so slow and so fast at the same time.  It's weird if I stop and look back over the past 9 weeks.  What did I do?  What happened to the month of April?  As I write this, it's May 14th, one month until Lydia turns 5.  As she would say, "what the what?"  I agree, Lydia Rose.  

Lydia took time to stop and smell the roses, rather, the Lemon Geranium. 

These are Lydia's flowers to take care of. 

We grew tomatoes, peppers, basil, squash and lavender from seed.

Lydia is a helpful office mate and likes to type, 
only locking me out of my computer once so far.

Mom is in stockpile mode and Lydia is in hide in the big boxes mode. 

Lydia and Daddy went fishing at Heritage Park after Mommy, the Game Warden, had proof that Daddy really did get all the licenses required.  In colleges I got a ticket for fishing without a license off the back of a paddle boat at Lake Shawnee. I will never forget that!

We drove through Scooter's to get a coffee while we were out 
running drive thru and pick up errands.  The lady asked if we wanted 
a chocolate chip cookie.  I said no.  Lydia ordered one from the back seat.

Lydia saved some Happy Meal boxes and served her own Happy Meals in them.  
Notice the little animals for toys. 

French Fry Mustache!  
Lydia plays a game where she turns almost anything into a mustache.

Happy Birthday Daddy! 

Lydia made PaPa Krupich a gift that shows off her woodworking abilities.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

April Showers bring even more fun!

Writing this it seems that April has lasted forever but in reality I'm not sure where it went.  
Here is some of the fun we've had at home.


We've made a lot of forts and bed tents.
Here is Lydia soaking up the screen time.

We had a picnic lunch in Lydia's bedroom!

Lydia received her Run for LITTLE Hearts 5k race packet. 
The race has to be virtual this year so the coordinator sent out all the packets early.  
Lydia received a t-shirt, a cape, a mask, a pez dispenser and a race medal! 

Every Wednesday the grocery ads arrive and Lydia requests them for her perusal.

Dad was power washing and staining the deck so it was clear for soccer practice.

This is Lydia's going for ice cream look.  Our 'chosen family' cousins got a job at Twisters!

Prince of Peace asked parishioners to host neighborhood food drives, so we did!  Lydia had a blast setting up the truck for collection and making sidewalk chalk drawings while supervising.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

April Showers bring shenanigans!

Dan and Lydia are getting A LOT of quality time together while I'm working from home.  They make so many really fun messes!  They have finance lessons everyday by playing grocery store, jewelry store or bank.  They work on letters, counting and reading.  Lydia usually gets a little youtube kids time, which she is loving.  I break for lunch from 12-2 and give Lydia some love and give Dan a bit of a break.  The weeks and days don't seem to be going fast but wow, it's been a month!


Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...