Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Surgery update from October 29th!

Surgery happened almost as planned on Tuesday, October 29th at 11:00am.  We received a call that morning that Dr. Arganbright was out with a fever and Dr. Nicklaus could perform the surgery.  Heck yes!  She was Lydia's ENT in the PICU before the trach.  It was nice to have someone familiar step in.  

Dr. Nicklaus performed the inferior turbinate reduction and placed a new set of ear tubes.  She performed the bronchoscopy to make sure Lydia's airway is healthy and safe and it is.  There was no need for the adenoidectomy, as her adenoids were not growing back and what is still there was not causing any obstruction.

This procedure worked like a charm!  She still mouth breaths a little but it's sinus season.  She's learning to shut her mouth more and sleep more soundly.  She has stopped getting up 3-5 times a night, is going to sleep earlier, is waking up earlier and happier, and she's also taking one short nap at preschool, not a marathon one that lasts the whole afternoon.  Her appetite has increased too.

We hoped this was an outpatient procedure but we ended up spending the night.  After surgery Lydia wouldn't let anyone talk to her, hold her or touch her but me and Dan.  They were trying to admit her to the floor and I had to kick everyone out and ask for some food for this girl.  She was hangry and downed a whole package of goldfish followed by salad, chicken nuggets, vegetables and I'm not sure how much candy.  Oh and crackers.  She packed it away and slept well that night.  This was the first time in the hospital that Lydia has eaten orally and was able to order from the room service menu.  That was a huge moment for us, or at least me. 

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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

Anxiety - yep, about most things. Envy - uh huh, and wondering why she's different. (scars, treatments, growth hormone shots, CPAP, IE...