Monday, June 10, 2019

Cardiology Check Up

In short: 

Lydia has a congenital heart disease: IAA type B, VSD, s/p repair; h/o hypo-plastic LVOT s/p Konno; follow up in 12 months, no restrictions.

A few more words: 

Lydia clinically has done well from a cardiac standpoint.  Today and echo-cardiogram was completed.  The results are very similar compared to the study in 2018.  Normal left ventricular chamber size.  VSD patch bulges in the right ventricle.  No evidence of significant obstruction.  Mild accelerated flow across the aortic valve (peak 10-15 mmHg) without significant outflow tract or valve stenosis.  Gradient decreased from 18 mmHg in 2018.  Trivial aortic valve insufficiency. Lydia has strong upper and lower peripheral pulses.  At this time I do not believe she requires any activity restrictions.  I recommend a return cardiology clinic appointment in 1 year.  Please allow patient to carry a water bottle and take necessary restroom breaks.  

My interpretation: 

Lydia's heart checked out the same as last year with slightly lower gradients, which is good.  No heart meds, no restrictions, check up in a year.  There are two things that worry me.  They don't keep me up at night with worry but I know we are watching them.  Are we watching them until we need to intervene?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  I can't predict that and a doctor won't answer that any more clearly.  These words aren't perfect in heart speak but for now they are good, not bad for the short term.  "VSD patch bulges in the right ventricle.  No evidence of significant obstruction.  Trivial aortic valve insufficiency."

Lydia's Experience: 

Lydia did so well at her cardio check up.  No tears.  She helped put the stickers on and clip the sensors for her EKG.  She also rocked her echo, lying on a bed in a dark room while someone rubbed jelly and a sonogram camera on her chest.  She said the jelly was grape and there were crocodiles on the ceiling.  We listened to the Beatles. 

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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

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