Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Under the Weather and Over the Mercury

Day One: Wednesday the 9th.  102.1. 2.5 hour nap.
Day Two: Thursday the 10th. 101.1. 1 hour nap.
Day Three: Friday the 11th.  Normal Temp. 4 hour nap.
Day Four: Saturday the 12th. 103.6 WOW! 4 hour nap.
Day Five: Sunday the 13th. 102.2. 7.5 hour nap.
Day Six: Monday the 14th. Normal Temp. 

We had a sicko on our hands for an entire week.  It all started on Wednesday the 9th and isn't really over because we're battling earaches.  We think it was the flu, despite the flu shot.  On and off high fevers, no appetite, dry cough and very tired and lethargic...so tired and lethargic that she took 4-7 hour naps every day and went to bed early or on time.  Lydia came home from school early on the 9th and didn't return to school until the 18th.  She had a couple trips to Hy-Vee and the doctor, otherwise she stayed put...indoors, no playing in the snow for her.  I've since disinfected the entire house a couple of times and still feel it needs a good airing out.  Crossing our fingers we don't get hit with another bug like this one.  

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