Friday, January 25, 2019

The longest walk home.

There is a family with a heart baby.  They started their journey about 6 months before us.  Soon after we received news of Lydia's condition, I happened upon their blog via twitter.  I knew them in college and found them again at the exact time I needed them.  The day their son graduated out of the PICU was the day Lydia had her first open heart surgery and entered the PICU.  She stayed in his room.  We never saw each other during our shared time at the hospital.  I never connected with her until after they had gone home.  Since then we've connected over so many things and so often.  

We are heart moms.  We have heart babies.  We are heart friends. 

Yesterday they faced their worst fears.  
Their baby passed away and is now in Heaven.

I cannot begin to describe my emotions and reaction to this news and it's only a fraction, a sliver of what they are feeling.  It's not even comparable or on the same grid.  It's unreal to feel the connection I feel to them right now with this news.  I don't ever want to forget that sweet little face that I looked forward to seeing at the Run For Little Hearts 5k every summer.  There is a summer camp for heart kiddos and I thought we'd be dropping our children off together in a couple of years.   

You are in every thought, every prayer and every tear.  

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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

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