Monday, July 16, 2018

What a week. Happy to leave it in the past.

Starting last Thursday night, the 5th and lasting until Saturday around noon, Lydia had a fever of 99 to 100 axillary.  She wasn't tolerating her food but was keeping water and Pedialyte down.  She was very lethargic and napped for hours.  Not typical Lydia behavior at all.  Then Sunday was looking up!  

Monday the 9th, Lydia began to show all the same symptoms and started to complain about her Mini button or gtube hurting, that’s the way we feed her.  By Monday night she was crying, wincing and grinding her teeth in pain every time we fed her or gave her water.  Heart breaking!  After way too many emails and phone calls with GI, pediatrician and the ER, it was determined that Lydia's Mini button or gtube stoma or interior of her stomach was infected.  We started antibiotics Tuesday night and her pain is now gone.  But that wasn’t all.  

Tuesday night and into the morning Lydia developed a rash.  This rash is exactly like the measles rash and we are assured it is only a normal and typical reaction to the MMR vaccine that she received 12 days before.  The doctor cautioned us that this could appear in 10-14 days.  Right on time. It is not contagious…I’ve asked a million times and it’s not contagious but I still won’t take her out in public until it’s gone because I don’t want to be that mother on the news that took her measle-rashed kid to Hy-Vee!  It almost cleared up in two days, like they said it would, but how scary.  Geesh.  Lydia had to miss speech and gym, two of her favorite things.

As you can see in the pictures, things are entirely back to normal.  

Double Rainbows over our house!  Winning!

Monster Truck Jam bucket = Marching Band Hat

Bad Happy Birthday Great Papa Selfie Stick Photo.  So bad it's good.

This is how Dad gets Lydia ready for the pool.  Cheeks out!

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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

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