Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Tonsils? Gone. Lydia? Home.

"Sock Hands" during Pre-Op boredom.

Lydia's Gtube Site Revision went well.  The general surgeon cauterized some granulation tissue and resized her button.  That should be more comfortable for Lydia.

"Don't bother me" during Pre-Op Magnadoodling.

Lydia's tonsils were reportedly huge, as were her adenoids.  Dr. Arganbright removed her tonsils and 25% of her adenoids directly behind her nose.  Maybe she'll quit mouth breathing, snoring and holding her breath at night.

"Counting Ceiling Tiles" during Pre-Op boredom.

Lydia's ear tubes were both in her ears but had come out of place.  Both were replaced today.  No fluid or infection today, just waxy ears and new tubes.  

"Coco Poses" during Pre-Op Coco watching.

Lydia's trach site revision was also completed by Dr. Arganbright.  She essentially roughed up the skin where her trach used to be.  It should heal up and close the hole that was left after decannulation.

"Nose Trumpet"  I'm not kidding, that's what it's called.

Lydia had a rough patch in recovery.  She wouldn't come off oxygen and needed this green nose intubation due to the swelling behind her nose.   While in recovery and waking up they typically don't have the parents come in.  The nurse called us to see what might calm her down.  I said nursery rhymes and Moana, so they played her music on an ipad.  Finally they let me come to recovery, I crawled in bed with her and we watched trumpet videos on YouTube.  Things got better. 

"What have you done to me?"

The nose trumpet fell out later in the evening and Lydia didn't need any oxygen overnight.  We were admitted and placed in a room around 5:30pm.  She was pretty cranky all night and fell asleep around 9:30 or 9:45.  I fell asleep just an hour later.

"Mom, I'm up!"

5:15am.  Get up Mom.  Get in bed with me Mom.  Let's watch Moana Mom.  Mom!  Also, she refuses to wear pants.  She refuses to be covered up.  The only things she complains about are the IV in her ankle that is not being used and the pulse ox probe on her finger.  She thinks it's a boo boo and will not use that finger or hand.  Uh, doesn't your throat hurt? 

"Double Dipping"

Lydia is just chilling out in bed with a tablet and the tv on.  Currently scrolling pictures of herself on the tablet and watching Frozen, again.  We've watched Coco once, Frozen twice and Moana twice.  I wonder if we'll get round two of Coco in before leaving today.

"Hallway Legos"

We're free, by word of mouth, not on paper.  We checked out with ENT, GI and General Surgery.  Just need to get our meds and sign the discharge papers.  Meds to Beds, running late since 2015, at least.

"Killing Time"

Mama works across the street from CMH so it was convenient for her to come by to pick us up while Daddy had an appointment.  We loaded up and left the building around 11:45 am.  Lydia was alseep within 10 minutes and took a nice nap.  

"Wash that hospital outta my hair."

I think the bath water had sugar in it that seeped into Lydia through osmosis because she's turned into a typical bouncy wild three year old.  The pain meds must be doing their job.  We're going to calm down for a movie and hit the hay.  Lydia is a quiet sleeper now, which is completely foreign to us.  I think I might have to put the pulse ox probe on her tonight to make sure I can hear something.

Thanks for reading this far!


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