Wednesday, October 26, 2016

More Food!

Lydia's dietitian visited today and Lydia weighed in at 21 pounds and measured 29 inches long!  We're going to change her meals to be less of the Compleat Pediatric formula and more real foods.  She's up to 1 cup of fruit, 1 cup of veggies, 3/4 cup of whole grains and 1 jar of baby food meat and gravy each day.  The amounts increased and the addition of whole grains is the biggest thing.  In December we'll add real meat!  

Things I learned while blending for Lydia tonight:

1. Over the course of the month this girl eats a lot of fruits, vegetables and grains...a lot.

2. I'm pretty sure my kid eats better than all of your kids. Granted she doesn't have a say in the matter and she tastes none of it.

3. Seriously better than all of us... Blueberries mangoes apples bananas peaches peas kale cauliflower squash zucchini spinach carrots whole wheat pasta quinoa barley oatmeal avocado oil.

4. After about 1.5 hrs of blending you can overheat your Blendtec. Put it in the refrigerator to cool off.

5. It only takes me 2 hours to blend 12 days worth of food and prepare and store for another 10 blends.

6. I have the best helper...with the best hair.

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Inside Out: Lydia's Version

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